24 September 2019

Another Dumb Article


HISTORY CORNER: Tragic Hindenburg disaster ends zeppelins as air transportation For years I’ve blogged about no news news. One of too many posts:
16 NOVEMBER 2015
The Déjà Vu No New News
It’s always a treat to get up, make some coffee, open the newspaper (pixels or pulp) and read nothing new.
And recently, I promised never to link to any more dumb articles:
17 APRIL 2019
No News News & Fake News
…Someone over at one of the major business magazines recently wrote about Baby Boomers, advertising/marketing, technology. He said nothing I (and others) haven’t been saying for almost twenty years…
Here’s the dilemma: There’s a brand-new no news news article I don’t want to link to -- but the comments are fun and worth reading.

So close your left eye and just read what’s on the right:
Older People Are Ignored and Distorted in Ageist Marketing, Report Finds

16 August 2019

That Big Concert Fifty Years Ago

I wasn’t there. If you want, you can read about why I wasn’t there:

76 Million Sociopaths Outed (HuffPo)

There are so many articles/blog posts floating around commemorating/condemning the event that I’ve OD'd. One more could do me in. This could be the one.

Advertising. I’ve written about how dumb it is to heavy-handedly invoke ‘60s stuff to reach Baby Boomers:

03 OCTOBER 2005
Invoking "The Sixties": Fidelity Financial vs. Ameriprise
Two major financial planning companies, Fidelity Investments and Ameriprise, are all agog over Baby Boomers.

There are a dozen more subsequent posts, but I’ll spare you.

Barry Robertson has a take on it all (and he’s even more fed up than yours truly):

https://15thnation.files.wordpress.com/2019/08/wodstock-1969-life.png50 Years of Woodshtick
For the next week or so, prepare to endure the 50th anniversary of Woodshtick – the endgame of five long decades of punditry and pontification over a messy 1969 mudfest in upstate New York that, supposedly, defines the Baby Boom generation.

Now I’m off to a walk-in clinic to see if they have any sort of antidote for Nostalgia Overdose.

17 May 2019

We’ve done that already.

I keep hearing that the internet is ruining our attention spans. I’m starting to believe it. I can easily get through a book, a TV show, a movie - but web pages bore me within nanoseconds and I’m constantly clicking. (Something tells me this isn’t good for advertising.)

Or maybe it’s the content. I’ve seen it all before. I say to myself, “We’ve done that already.”

Samuel Scott does a good job dissecting and presenting the enduring power of the tube:
Which advertising channels are best when all else is equal?
… In the three years we have been considering media effectiveness, TV outperforms Facebook and YouTube in all these areas …
Sounds right to me:
21 JULY 2017
The Interminable Death of Television
Nothing I can think of is as lively and chipper as television in its final throes.
From Entrepreneur:
It's Never Too Late: Entrepreneurship Has No Age
… A study suggests that businesses are more likely to succeed as their founders’ age increase up until about age 40 …
I wrote a book years ago. Huge chunks of it had to do with entrepreneurs:
Targets Clients and Entrepreneurs

advbbcoverParamount Market Publishing, Ithaca, N.Y.
… Chuck Nyren's egalitarian approach to advertising and the creation of campaigns is all-inclusive. A large section of the book is dedicated to helping Baby Boomer entrepreneurs get their marketing and advertising up and running.
And there are a bunch of other recent articles not worth reading so I won’t link to them, subjects covered ad nauseam through the years, like Baby Boomers in No Rush to Retire (we’ve known this for over a decade), Creativity Is Not Just For The Young (I feel like I was young when I blogged it in 2007), The Misconception Of Baby Boomers And The Age Of Technology (My Favorite Cyber-Myth).

Or maybe I’m so technically-challenged that it’s impossible for me to find anything newsworthy on the internet – and I should just retire.

17 April 2019

No News News & Fake News

I’m not linking to any more dumb articles.

Or fake news. Fake news to me can be broken up into two categories:
  1. News that’s half-fake and half-not fake. There might be some good advice in an article, but if it also has a lot of bad advice – then no link.
  2. News that’s fobbed off as new when it’s really old. In the past I’ve called this No News News.
Someone over at one of the major business magazines recently wrote about Baby Boomers, advertising/marketing, technology. He said nothing I (and others) haven’t been saying for almost twenty years. Just about every point he makes can be found in the Intro and 1st Chapter of my book © 2005-2007:
Folks Are Still Reading My 2005 Book
… Truth is, you can analyze marketing fodder all day and night, read countless books about marketing to Baby Boomers, attend advertising and marketing conventions around the world, and soak up everything all the experts have to say. Much of what is out there is valuable and useful … But if you plan on implementing a creative strategy and turn it over to a different generation of advertising professionals—you'll forfeit the natural sensibilities required to generate vital campaigns…
Intro & 1st Chapter (PDF)
Another major business mag (this one in the U.K.) just published two articles full of admixtures of old good advice, old bad advice. Trouble is, I don’t want to be 50+ Marketing Snopes.com and have to sift through the diamonds and dreck. No links.

Instead, read Dick Stroud and Kevin Lavery.

14 March 2019

Goings On About Town

For years I’ve been championing the marketing and advertising of normal everyday products to Baby Boomers:
Boomer Backlash II
If every time someone over fifty sees a commercial targeting them and it’s always for an age-related product or service, pretty soon their eyes will glaze over, they’ll get itchy and grumpy.
The Real Issue: Marketing and advertising folks grasping the fact that Boomers will be buying billions (trillions?) of dollars worth of non-age related products for the next twenty-odd years. If you target this group for toothpaste, computers, clothes, food, nail polish, sporting equipment, toenail clippers - anything at all (almost), and you do it with respect and finesse, they will appreciate and consider your product.
And I scream about easy-to-open packaging, easy-on-older-eyes print, usability, etc.

But sometimes what I find out there is just silly. Read it and wipe:
Ranking The Best Five Toilet Papers For Seniors   

Feeling old? Down in the dumps? Want a pep talk? A little kick-in-the-pants inspiration so you can carry on?

Of course, if you feel okay about yourself you don’t need to read about how incredible you could be. Possible negative side effect: Getting depressed finding out how wonderful other people are.

Immerse yourself in or ignore the latest feel-good (or bad) site:
We are a global movement living longer and better than ever before. Join us for culture, style, travels, health sciences and things that inspire.
Of course, if you’re really old, say thirty or so, you’ll really need help. A motivational weekend might do the trick:
A New Luxury Retreat Caters to Elderly Workers in Tech (Ages 30 and Up)  
… The group would place stickers with ageist slurs all over their chests, arms and faces, and then hurl the stickers into a fire. Later, there would be healing sessions focused on intergenerational collaboration and accepting mortality.
There’s a famous quote attributed to … well, lots of people:
If You Remember the ’60s, you really weren’t there.”
There are always exceptions to rules. Brent Green has rounded up a few folks who swear they remember, and their credentials convince me they’re (probably) not lying.

I don’t remember the ‘50s, ‘60s, ‘70s, ‘80s, ‘90s, ‘00s, or the ‘10s (except for maybe up to an hour or so ago), so I’m no help.