Boomer Backlash IIAnd I scream about easy-to-open packaging, easy-on-older-eyes print, usability, etc.
If every time someone over fifty sees a commercial targeting them and it’s always for an age-related product or service, pretty soon their eyes will glaze over, they’ll get itchy and grumpy.
The Real Issue: Marketing and advertising folks grasping the fact that Boomers will be buying billions (trillions?) of dollars worth of non-age related products for the next twenty-odd years. If you target this group for toothpaste, computers, clothes, food, nail polish, sporting equipment, toenail clippers - anything at all (almost), and you do it with respect and finesse, they will appreciate and consider your product.
But sometimes what I find out there is just silly. Read it and wipe:
Ranking The Best Five Toilet Papers For Seniors____
Feeling old? Down in the dumps? Want a pep talk? A little kick-in-the-pants inspiration so you can carry on?
Of course, if you feel okay about yourself you don’t need to read about how incredible you could be. Possible negative side effect: Getting depressed finding out how wonderful other people are.
Immerse yourself in or ignore the latest feel-good (or bad) site:
WELCOME TO AGEISTOf course, if you’re really old, say thirty or so, you’ll really need help. A motivational weekend might do the trick:
We are a global movement living longer and better than ever before. Join us for culture, style, travels, health sciences and things that inspire.
____A New Luxury Retreat Caters to Elderly Workers in Tech (Ages 30 and Up)
… The group would place stickers with ageist slurs all over their chests, arms and faces, and then hurl the stickers into a fire. Later, there would be healing sessions focused on intergenerational collaboration and accepting mortality.
There’s a famous quote attributed to … well, lots of people:
“If You Remember the ’60s, you really weren’t there.”

Check out Are You Still Listening?: 1969 Stories & Essays on
I don’t remember the ‘50s, ‘60s, ‘70s, ‘80s, ‘90s, ‘00s, or the ‘10s (except for maybe up to an hour or so ago), so I’m no help.