26 July 2016

Television Still Shining

steve_left.JPGLong time Ad Guru Steve Hall isn’t really flabbergasted:

OMG! The Internet STILL Hasn't Killed TV!
Despite what the advertising industry rumblings might lead us to believe over the past few years citing the decline of television as we know it, television advertising is instead alive, well, and producing solid results…

I like it when someone else writes a post for me – and/or I’ve written the post before (in this case, loads of times) so I don’t have to start from scratch.  Copy ‘n Paste is fast becoming my mantra.

All you really need to read is a C ‘n P job from 2014 that’ll take you all the way back to 2007:

Television Repeats
… That silly retronym “traditional advertising” will remain the premiere force for introducing people to a product or service, along with sustaining its shelf life. Television, print, radio, and billboard ads will continue to have the visceral power they’ve always had – if only for their sheer size, simplicity, and cutting-edge audio/visual qualities.

I’ll leave you with this:

18 May 2010
Advertising Is Dead. Again.
It’s official. The last sixty-four years of advertising has been declared ‘ineffectual’.

07 July 2016

More Some of the News That’s Fit to Print

WinchellGood evening, Mr. and Mrs. Marketing from continent to continent and satellite to server and all the ships at sea. Let's go to press

It's hard to imagine that there was ever a report on transparency that was less transparentLaurie Orlov unstraps the Quackery and snake oil in the 2014-11-14-beany.jpghealth wearables industry. The Crystal Ball was hazy, but  Nostrachuckus may have predicted this awhile back: Never Leave The Hospital! Health Tech Wearables, Implanted Chips & Finally Live The Life You’ve Always Wanted With Wearables! More from Chuck Martin at MediaPost: The Wearables Gap In The Internet Of Things …  Norman Lear is Not Dead Yet. (Any juveniles in the cast? If so, I want an audition. I’m sixty-five with cute dimples.) … Dick Stroud sez it’s good to see an architecture and design firm (Coran) taking physiological ageing seriouslyMark Ritson sez Gap Inc’s Art Peck has been struck down by a severe case of ‘morbus digitalis’, a sickness characterised by erratic and irresponsible behaviour such as swapping TV advertising for Tinder. Yours Truly has been saying this stuff for years: Social Media - WOMM - Web AdvertisingA majority of Americans would favor banning prescription drug advertisements on television, a new poll released Wednesday suggests. Hmmm. Sounds familiar: The AMA, Those Pharma Ads, and My Thinking Cap … ‘Til next time.

Just for fun:

Welcome To Your Welcome To Medicare Wellness Exam!
by Chuck Nyren for Huffington Post
… A whole hour talking about me, and if I’m not talking about me the other person is talking about me. That sounded great ...