A random collection of links I didn’t use in any posts this year but were worth a bookmark or I thought so at the time. Not necessarily advertising-related:
Oldyssey showcases elderly all over the world and highlights initiatives that deepen the link between generations.
Old friend Bayard Presse is a partner.
HomesRenewed™ Coalition
Our MISSION is to join forces to significantly increase the number of American homes prepared for residents to live throughout the modern lifespan by promoting consumer incentives on Wall Street, Main Street and Capitol Hill.
Louis Tenenbaum keeps going and going.
Sans Forgetica is the Typeface You Won’t Forget
…Janneke Blijlevens of RMIT’s Behavioral Business Lab adds foreign language learners and elderly people grappling with memory loss to the list of potential beneficiaries…
Old age shouldn’t just be about survival—it should be about fun
By Joseph F. Coughlin
“Old age” as we currently know it is just a fictional story we tell ourselves.
(No, that’s not a picture of Joe.)
Happy Holidays. Last link - a cute commercial from France: