It happens once or twice a year. Every so often I do a Google News search for Baby Boomers and two contradictory articles pop up one after the other. It’s like invoking Tweedledum and Tweedledee out of the ether.
The latest:
Why Your Decades After 60 May Be Your Best
Retired people past that age are the most joyful. Here's why…Baby boomers are getting glum
… Its latest consumer confidence survey of 2,006 people in April 2017 showed that baby boomers were the most pessimistic age group.
Maybe we’re all joyful about being pessimistic.
Earlier Pairings:
21 May 2010
We’re all miserably happy, or …Baby Boomers: An unhappy generation?
by Amy Sherman… Why does a recent survey from Pew Research on Demographic Trends state that of all the generations, baby boomers are considered the unhappiest and most discontent? Could it be because our work and personal responsibilities cause us too much stress? Or that we feel strapped, tired and just bummed out?
Daily stress and worry plummet after age 50 By Sharon Jayson
After 50, daily stress and worry take a dive and daily happiness increases, according to an analysis of more than 340,000 adults questioned about the emotions they experienced "yesterday."
25 January 2017
The More Things Stay The Same, The More They Stay The Same
How baby boomers became the most selfish generationThe baby boomers who have controlled this country since the 1980s are a selfish, entitled generation.
Baby Boomers Pitch InSenior citizens are channeling time and money to volunteer efforts. One estimate: They’ll contribute $8 trillion in two decades.
Does any of this have anything to do with marketing and advertising?
Probably not much. My take from Advertising to Baby Boomers © 2005/2007: