Heavyweights are huddling in Switzerland:
The 5th World Ageing & Generations Congress will take place from the 3rd to 5th of September 2009 at the Executive Campus HSG of the University of St. Gallen.
The aim of the World Ageing & Generations Congress is to address important topics related to demographic change and its effect on the labour market and social security, on health issues, on the development of new products and markets and on changing lifestyles in society.
Dr. Robert Butler will be delivering one of the keynotes:
Older People’s Rights in the Century of Ageing: Time for a new United Nations Convention?
Robert Butler, President and CEO International Longevity Center USA (ILC-USA), USA
Organised in cooperation with the International Federation on Ageing (IFA)
A Special Session will focus on marketing:
In order to leverage the business potential of the silver market, corporations need to adapt their
marketing and advertising strategies and processes. Marketing research and market segmentation are crucial issues, as the silver market is very diverse, with the needs and wants of the mature consumers varying widely.
The Session Chair and three participants are members of IMMN: Kevin Lavery, Dick Stroud, Florian Kohlbacher, and David Weigelt.
Yours Truly contributed to Dick Stroud’s book, The 50-Plus Market (Kogan Page), and Florian Kohlbacher’s book, The Silver Market Phenomenon (Springer Press).
So I’ll be floating around there in spirit, and in print.
Have a productive and fun time, gents!
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