It’s not a race. If it is, I’ve been slogging around the track for 12 years. Slogging and blogging. I didn’t think it would take this long for folks to catch up:
Marketing to Millennials and Baby Boomers
by Mark Thomas, Michigan State University Extension
Michigan State University Extension educators and the MSU Product Center assist aspiring and existing entrepreneurs to develop targeted and focused business marketing plans.
Hmm. Teaching advertising to baby boomers in colleges and universities…
01 July 2005
Book News: Advertising to Baby Boomers selected by AEF
The Advertising Educational Foundation has selected Advertising to Baby Boomers as a Classroom Resource.
Baby Boomers Are Now Twice as Likely to Start a Company as Millennials
Baby Boomers Flock to Entrepreneurship
Even though they're nearing retirement age, a large number of baby boomers are looking for an "encore" career as entrepreneurs.
From the Introduction for Advertising to Baby Boomers © 2005/2007:
Advertising to Baby Boomers is for anybody with a marketing or product idea, yet to be realized or about to come to market. Venture capitalists take heed: the largest demographic of entrepreneurs are over forty, the largest consumer demographic the same. Baby Boomers will soon be marketing to themselves again, after a hiatus of twenty-odd years.
And here:
Entrepreneurs & Baby Boomers
… I’ve found that there are two mistakes made by almost every entrepreneur targeting this unwieldy, diverse market.
Why baby boomers are poised to revive the economy
… As people are living longer and in better health, they’re working longer, too. And opportunities for the 55 and up group are going way beyond the stereotypical part-time gig at the local supermarket, he says.
Sounds familiar…
31 May 2009
Boomers key to economic recovery
… What do you buy? Almost everything. Clothes, appliances, computers, toothpaste. The list is endless. Regular, ol’ stuff. Stuff almost exclusively marketed to twentysomethings with ad campaigns that don’t resonate with middle-aged consumers.
Older Really Can Mean Wiser
By Benedict Carey March 16, 2015
… People who are middle-aged and older tend to know more than young adults, by virtue of having been around longer, and score higher on vocabulary tests, crossword puzzles and other measures of so-called crystallized intelligence.
At my age the memory fails, but I think I’ve heard this before…
If it’s not a race, why do I keep looking over my shoulder? I hope they catch up soon. My neck is getting sore.