08 May 2009

Not About The Kindle Controversy

bezos I don’t want to get into a brouhaha over Amazon’s Kindle and whether it’s a swindle or a savior or Beelzebub.  (Although the talking version seems to need elocution lessons.)

I’m only interested in this:









70 percent of Kindle owners over 40?
by David Carnoy
crave We can't call this the most scientific poll ever taken, but it's probably a good indicator of the Kindle's age demographic. If you add it all up, over half the owners are over 50 and 70 percent are over 40.

That might be news to most folks – but not to readers of my book and this blog.  Pulled from the cover of the 1st edition (March, 2005):








The newest Kindle is bigger and (of course) better:

Amazon Introduces Big-Screen Kindle
ntyl The device, called the Kindle DX (for deluxe), has a screen two and a half times the size of those on the two older versions of the Kindle, which were aimed primarily at displaying book pages.

Do you think Amazon and their ad agency will be doggedly targeting Baby Boomers with their campaign? 

We’ll see.

(As I fiddled with this post, a really good idea for a TV spot burst into this noggin of mine.  When we finally see a campaign for Kindle DX, I’ll tell you what it was.  Or maybe I’ll drive down to Seattle and harangue Jeff Bezos …)

06 May 2009

Businesses Fighting For Baby Boomer Dollars

A very good piece by Mary Motzko – and not necessarily because I’m quoted.  Yours Truly is in heady company:

Businesses Fighting For Baby Boomer Dollars
lw Marketing Campaigns Aimed At Boomer Generation
While baby boomers are open to advertising, there are certain avenues companies should avoid as to not turn their targeted audience against their product.

After being interviewed, I suggested that Ms. Motzko contact Dr. Harry (Rick) Moody.  She did:

rm When creating an ad aimed at baby boomers, Harry Moody, the director of academic affairs for AARP, warns companies to not generalize those over 50 into one group. Moody said that grouping all baby boomers together as the same audience "is sure to lead to disaster."

Also interviewed is Mark Bradbury, Research Director at AARP:

According to Bradbury, baby boomers are used to redefining what it means to be a certain age. They did it when they were young, then again in their teens and 20s, and now they're trying to redefine what it means to be 50.

That sounds familiar.  From my book:


Or you can hear me scream it over The Who and Led Zeppelin.

05 May 2009

Experts in Asia and Australia

This blog gets half its hits from international ISPs – and half of those are from Asia and Australia.  Why?  Both continents have huge older populations, and marketers there are wisely rethinking demographic priorities. 

biGill Walker contributed a sumptuous chunk of insight in a recent Henry Stewart Talks Seminar.  Her appearance on Australia’s Today Show is likewise a treat – and it includes one of my favorite troublemaking spots (for NestlĂ©'s Entice).

Click here or the picture below to watch the interview:


A recent blog post featured Kim Walker.  Last month he was a guest on Channel News Asia’s "Primetime" morning show:

For a more academic approach to it all:

silvermarketThe Silver Market Phenomenon
Thirty-three individually authored chapters examine the challenges, chances, and perspectives of the current demographic shift--aging and shrinking populations--in many countries around the world …

There’s a chapter by you-know-who in there somewhere.

04 May 2009


On Friday I stuck this piece in my virtual holster, but Dick “Quick Draw” Stroud was speedier to the trigger:


Even Google talks nonsense
It looks like it was written in 10 minutes after a rapid canter through Wikipedia.

Notorious for ageism, it’s no surprise that Google’s Boomer marketing advice is old hat, confusing, and clunky:

“… Boomers, in particular, tend to benefit from nostalgic targeting that reminds them of their youth.”


01 May 2009

Puncturing Myths

As usual, there aren’t really any myths about Boomers and media/advertising that haven’t been punctured by Yours Truly and many others.  A pretty good list from a year ago:

How Well Do You Know Boomers?
Myth #6 - Boomers are brand loyal and will not switch
Golly gee, willikers. If you don't know this by now ...

But I guess the industry is still in a river in Egypt.

At the recent Upfront Summit, Crown Media CEO Henry Schleiff apparently caused some trouble.

Click here or the picture below to view the video clip:hs

The chief of Hallmark's TV operations doesn't think enough people appreciate how rapidly the traditional TV audience is aging or what that means.  (Ad Age)

I was quoted along with Mr. Schleiff in a Kansas City Star piece last year:

Baby boomers become the forgotten consumer
August 4, 2008
By Jennifer Mann
"Our viewers have assets, not allowances," Schleiff told Wall Street analysts.