A few posts ago:
GrandBoomers in Toyland
A few of these Green toy companies might get the smarts – and market their products directly to Baby Boomer grandparents.
Or will they get the smarts?
Now take a look at a piece highlighting Green-leaning generational trends:
We Are All Green Consumers
Jacquelyn A. Ottman
Today, the National Marketing Institute says that 83% of consumers representing four generations — Baby Boomers, Millennials, Gen Ys and Gen Zs – are some shade of green …Now the heads of millions of U.S. households, the Baby Boomers have been influencing society since the 1960s when they planted the seeds of the modern day green movement when as idealistic youths, gathered to celebrate the first Earth Day, in 1970, followed by the first Solar Day in 1971. Their peaceful demonstrations of concern gave rise to the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, the founding of the US Environmental Protection Agency in 1970, the Clean Air and the Clean Water Acts that same year, and the Endangered Species Act of 1973.
It really won’t be too big a job convincing most Baby Boomers to think green – or at the very least consider green/greener products. And I’ll admit that my cupboard isn’t as green as it might be.
We need to nudge, and be nudged.