One folder in my business browser is Think Tanks. There are about twenty sites tucked in there – not all technically think tanks. If the term has a precise definition, I’m not sure what it is anyway.
At the moment I’m thinking of featuring four Think Tanks – but maybe this will become an ongoing series of posts and I’ll be surprised what TTs I pick to profile.
The first:
MIT AgeLab
The MIT AgeLab was created in 1999 to invent new ideas and creatively translates technologies into practical solutions that improve people’s health and enable them to “do things” throughout the lifespan.Based within MIT’s School of Engineering’s Engineering Systems Division, the AgeLab has assembled a multi-disciplinary and global team of researchers, business partners, universities, and the aging community to design, develop and deploy innovations to improve quality of life.

Afterwards, Joe and Yours Truly shared a cab to the airport. We've kept in touch through a handful of emails. Nice guy. Do I need to add wildly intelligent visionary guy?
In a scribble a few weeks ago he invited me to join a new Facebook Group: MIT AgeLab. If you have a Facebook account, search for it - and if you think you can keep your head above water (mine's bobbing up and down) feel free to sign up.

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