10 March 2006

Braving the old attitudes and being thankful for the new.

Along with some revealing numbers crunching, Matt Thornhill's Boomer Project newsletter for March features a short interview with Leonard Steinhorn about the reaction to his superlative trouble-making book, The Greater Generation (scroll down three or four screens):
"Most gratifying to me is how positive the reaction has been. I've gotten hundreds of e-mails and letters, and a good three-fourths say that the book speaks to them both culturally and personally. Some - - particularly those working in nonprofits or other social change work -- say that my book puts their lives and pursuits in a larger generational perspective, that they're not so alone in what they've done. Some -- mostly women and minorities - - share their own stories of braving the old attitudes and being thankful for the new."
Check out the book on Amazon.com — but, as Matt says:
"The only negatives we've seen about the book are postings on Amazon's site -- which read like an organized smear effort..."
I've read the book - and will put up an Amazon.com review soon.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Chuck, blogged about an MSN Money article today that I thought you might be interested in. You can check out the MSN article (about Boomer drivers 'clogging' the roads in their older years) here; the blog post is located at http://www.insuremeblog.com/agent


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