10 August 2007

Boomer Business Conferences in September 2007

September seems to be the time for conferences – certainly ones focusing on the 50+ Market. It’s a bottleneck.

Here’s one in Hong Kong, September 19th-21: Baby Boomers Asia 2007 (PDF)

Dick Stroud and Kevin Lavery will be featured speakers. I was invited to be a featured speaker, but …

Then there’s The Boomers Business Conference in Chicago, September 17-19:
Health & healthcare concerns are shaping Boomers purchase decisions about more than just healthcare; it's financial services, retirement, nutrition, housing and travel and leisure and much more...
Mary Furlong, Brent Green, Richard Adler and a few other folks I know will be speaking. I was invited to speak, but …

And don’t forget The 2007 Cascade Conference on Successful Aging in bounteously beautiful Bend, Oregon. I was invited to speak, but …

Instead I’m leaving Friday, September 14th for a European Business Speaking Tour sponsored by Plus Magazine, Bayard Press, and Roularta Media. Ten days, seven cities:
Stockholm: Monday, September 17
Oslo: Tuesday, September 18
Brussels: Wednesday, September 19
Utrecht (Netherlands): September 20
Munich: September 21
A free weekend in Paris, then …
Paris: September 24
Madrid: September 25
I believe some, most, or all of the engagements are open to the public. Here’s info on the Brussels Conference to give you an idea of what they’re about. Brent Green will be in Chicago, missing Stockholm and Oslo - then meet us in Brussels, continuing on to the other cities. More on all of this later.

And afterwards, a side trip to London for 2½ days. If anybody over there wants to take me and my more-significant-than-I-am other to lunch or dinner or for a warm beer — or let us stay with them and sleep on their couch because hotels are about $800 a night (I'll toss sixpence on the table when we leave) — email me. Better still, if you’re a business and would like me to speak for an hour or two on Wednesday or Thursday …

Hong Kong, Chicago, Bend. They’ll have to wait until next year.

07 August 2007

Jeep Heritage Spot

This Zelig-inspired spot from Jeep is getting some virtual press:

It's fun to watch - but the soundtrack turns it into much less than what it could have been. Why use a pop song from the early Seventies? For some, it will bring back wistful memories and detract from the commercial. Others will say to themselves, "Please don't make me hear that song again …" Younger or older (than Baby Boomers) may never have heard the song - and it will mean nothing to them. The recording certainly has zero to do with the commercial. It was simply slapped under it for no reason whatsoever.

This could have been a classy spot, with classy music. Maybe a Danny Elfman-esque score (or even getting Danny Elfman to compose it). Or maybe they could've used a standard song with a new recording/arrangement, changing musical styles with each era. Something original.

Something like this:

The original soundtrack was rerecorded and became a popular tune on the radio during and after the commercial's run - extending and reinforcing the campaign and brand.

Do you really want me to think of Jeep as some sleepy, old, moldy sports vehicle? The visuals say no, the soundtrack says yes.

02 August 2007

Booming Business

This is quite the colorful page:
Trendwatching.com is an independent and opinionated consumer trends firm, relying on a global network of 8,000 spotters, working hard to deliver inspiration and pangs of anxiety to business professionals in 120+ countries worldwide.
Fun reading, great pics.

Apparently, trendwatching.com has selected everything on this page as "FOREVER TRENDS". They also say that their site is "opinionated" - which is great. So's mine. My opinion is that some of these trends won't be around forever. Like this trend. And here's a trend I certainly hope will happen.

I do agree with one opinion of theirs (other sections of their website/report have to do with women and gays):
"… we assume you understand that to succeed, your team will have to include a number of women, boomers or gays."
That's what I've been saying for the last five years. So far, I don't see it being much of a 'trend'. Too bad.

Dick Stroud has a post you should check out about trendwatching.com. I likewise chuckled at trendwatching.com's caption. It reminds me of this post of mine. Obviously, Reinier Evers has a good sense of humor.

I have no connection to trendwatching.com, know nothing about their $500 report.

30 July 2007

John Migliaccio to MetLife Mature Market Institute

Co-author of 77 Truths About Marketing to the 50+ Consumer, and my good friend and co-presenter at NAHB 2006 and in New York last March and playmate on The History Channel Dr. John Migliaccio has been named Director of Research for MetLife’s Mature Market Institute.

He’s important now, and may or may not take my calls. Here's his brand-new office phone. I’ll give him a test call in a few days to see if he picks up.

Congrats, John!

27 July 2007

Radio has new interest in music boomers like

I read a version of this article a few weeks ago on The Washington Post site – but this one’s better:

Radio has new interest in music boomers like
When it comes to television advertisers, you are a non-person at 50. Radio gives you until 55. But the times they may be a-changing. In the youth obsessed advertising world, the sought-after magic demographic for TV is 18-49. When it comes to radio, 25-54 is the mantra. Since radio programmers try to deliver what advertisers want, that means formats aimed at baby boomers and seniors fell by the wayside.
As usual, nothing much new in the article. It’s my book, my blog, my consulting, my speaking for the last three or four years.

Two years ago a top Public Relations professional contacted me about radio, Baby Boomers, and a great idea. We tried to get something going - but he and his partner were ahead of their time. Now, it’s a hot topic.

Related: Here's Yours Truly and AARP’s Chief Brand Officer mixing it up a bit on an NPR program. I blogged about it afterwards.