Not for advertising but for everything else.
In my corner of the ether, no progress by ad agencies targeting this unwieldy, diverse demographic. Looking over my posts the last twelve months…
It’s always a treat to get up, make some coffee, open the newspaper (pixels or pulp) and read nothing new.
The three most popular posts of 2017:
Black Ops Advertising by Mara Einstein
The Age of Portmanteau
If I may coin a phrase, we’re living in the Age of Portmanteau, what with Bromance, Sexting, Frankenfood, and dozens of other blends bandied about – even by reputable news sources (if there are any anymore).
My pick for must-read post of the year:
The Interminable Death of Television
Nothing I can think of is as lively and chipper as television in its final throes.
If we all began dying as happily, healthily, slowly, and painlessly as TV, we wouldn’t fear the process - but welcome it.
My favorite post of the year:
Something Old, Something Old, Something Borrowed, Something Old
Along with Google Glasses, you'll also be wearing Google Nose and Google Mouth.
Back in January if the world is still around.