24 July 2013

Freshening Up Common Sense

I often invoke alter-ego NostraChuckus and his Crystal Ball of Common Sense when stumbling upon musty stuff revamped for the umpteenth time.  I’ll leave The Great Seer in the ether for this one, since Kim Walker has done such a sterling job updating the obvious:

Six silly excuses for not marketing to ageing consumers


Kim WalkerLet’s go through a few:


Excerpts from my book, ©2005:





A quote from a review of my book by Dr. Joyce M. Wolburg of Marquette University, published in The Journal of Consumer Marketing (2005):

A second favorite excuse of agencies is: "Baby Boomers don't change brands" (p. 52, italics in original). Nyren dismantles this excuse nicely with examples of brand switching, and he further acknowledges that in cases where loyalty to a brand does exist, marketers who do not target Boomers give them no reason to change.

Read the full review. (PDF)


14 November 2005
My Favorite Cyber-Myth
How I snicker and roll my eyes whenever I read about Baby Boomers fumbling around on computers…

23 February 2009
Snake Oil In Cyberspace
… As far as Boomers being tech/web Luddites - I’ve been dispelling that silly myth for years - in my book and blog…

Thoughts on the Kim Walker/Dick Stroud book, Marketing to the Ageing Consumer.