15 September 2010

The Crystal Ball of Common Sense Goes Viral

image Famed Soothsayer and advertising gadfly NostraChuckus has been startling the world for years with his mundane prognostications.

Here’s one of his prophetic proverbs summoned from the smokey haze:






NostraChuckus’ foretelling appears to be true for all demographics:

Getting Big In The YouTube Age
by Lee Gomes
image In effect, the videos that got watched the most on the Internet are those that bought their popularity through traditional offline advertising, especially on TV.

The secret to viral video success: a big ad budget
imageby Meghan Keane
As Forbes points out, the "Man Your Man Could Smell Like" ads originally became popular because of a very expensive traditional media buy: TV ads…

There, I Said It: Screw Viral Videos
Posted by Jim Louderback
imageSome of the best and most talented video producers focus their enormous talents on creating viral hits, instead of building repeatable episodic series that are built around an authentic host or an extended narrative. Yet in the end, those are the video properties that keep viewers coming back, provide predictable views that publishers covet and repeatable results that drive sales and profits…

Witness the Old Spice Guy phenomenon. Marketers worldwide are even now trying to replicate that success, without realizing viral was furthest from their minds. It started with a Super Bowl ad -- hardly the norm for a viral-focused campaign…

image But … what happened to WOMM? I thought that was going to kill (silly retronym ahead) traditional advertising.  Now viral videos are… 

And I keep hearing about the end of advertising as we know it because ‘the consumer is in control’ and there are ‘brand ambassadors’ …

What’s the next big threat to mainstream advertising? NostraChuckus predicts Logo T-Shirts.

Top 10 Double-Secret Unknown Facts About Advertising (The Ad Contrarian)

13 September 2010

Aging In Place, Universal Design Redux

Actually, it’s the culmination of recent activities and blog posts about and by the cutting-edge AIP and UD Thinkers and Doers:

image Universal Design As A Beginning, Not An End
I’ve been blogging about MIT AgeLab and Dr. Joseph Coughlin since 2006…


Marketing Universal Design
I was catching up on some of my colleague’s writing today starting with Laurie Orlov’s blog Aging in Place Technology Watch about Aging in Place as a Crisis of Opportunity for CCRCs . Laurie referred to a piece by MIT Age Lab‘s Joe Coughlin in his blog, Disruptive Demographics, called Should I Stay or Should I Go? These are both great pieces, sucking me right in the way the web does, ‘helping’ whole days to slip away unnoticed. This is time well spent.

image Baby Boomers & Universal Design

I have to admit – it’s nice to have nice things said about me by a gentleman who’s actually out there designing and building stuff.  The last thing I built was with Lincoln Logs.

image Finessing Universal Design for Boomers
It is so encouraging to see experts springing up in the blogosphere on Universal Design after decades of indifference.

Now we have a MetLife Mature Market Institute report in conjunction with Louis Tenenbaum:

MetLife Aging in Place Report
image I am pleased and excited to announce Aging in Place 2.0, Rethinking Solutions to the Home Care Challenge,  a report from the MetLife Mature Marketing Institute. The report describes Aging in Place 2.0, the extension of current aging in place to the dynamic and collaborative housing and care system I have long advocated in this blog. See MMI’s press release on the report.

image My thanks to John Migliaccio, MMI’s Director of Research and his colleague Darcy Defrancesco.  They patiently and professionally helped me shape my passionate ranting.

John Migliaccio.  I think I know that guy….

Download the The MetLife Report on Aging in Place 2.0 Rethinking Solutions to the Home Care Challenge September 2010

09 September 2010

Art & Copy on PBS in October

This looks good:


George Lois, Mary Wells, Dan Wieden, Lee Clow and Hal Riney may not be household names, but the advertising slogans they are responsible for - "Just Do It," "I Love NY," "Where's the Beef?," "Got Milk," "Think Different," as well as brilliant campaigns for everything from cars to presidents - are embedded in our national psyche. 

image The social and cultural impact of their ads and those of other advertising legends are brought to light in Art & Copy, a dynamic exploration of art, commerce, and human emotion, premiering on the PBS series Independent Lens Tuesday, October 26 2010 at 10 PM. (check local listings).

Exploding forth from advertising's "creative revolution" of the 1960s, these artists and writers - some among the original "Mad Men" - all brought a surprisingly rebellious spirit to their work in a business more often associated with mediocrity or manipulation.  These artists knew they were moving culture and not just moving product…

I'm happy to send a DVD …

A. H.
Senior Publicist

I’m taking her up on this. Along with chunks in my book and some blog posts, my presentations often include a history of advertising focusing on the most influential art and copy creatives over the last eighty years.

06 September 2010

Smart Phones, iPads, and Baby Boomers

In March I headed up a workshop in Turkey:

From my hotel room window. Back from Istanbul.
There are 15 million people living in Istanbul – and I think I saw all of them. 

And I met about two dozen of the brightest.

Attendees included marketing executives from Fortis, Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik, Yapi Kredi Bankasi, and IS Bankasi.

image I had only one regret. An attendee was looking for information and guidance and I wasn’t really prepared for the questions:

image Baby Boomers and older in Turkey have not warmed up to online banking and financial services. They make an attempt - but soon become frustrated, returning to their old ways (needless trips to the bank, using mostly checkbooks and snail mail, etc.). They are simply not online.

That was almost six months ago.  Things change.  My answers have changed. 

I’ve talked about this before, as have others.  Two recent news pieces:

image Re-thinking the Internet with security and mobility in mind
By Larry Greenemeier
The Future Internet Architecture (FIA) research projects are expected to re-think the network from the ground up, taking into account emerging security concerns, the demand for greater bandwidth and the growth of mobile devices.

NostraChuckus divined this months ago:

image How this will play out, I don’t know – but the ‘web’ needs to be rethought.  Accessing a page on a desktop or laptop is not the same as accessing it on a Smart Phone.  There will have to be two separate ‘webs’ for large screens, small screens. People will get very tired very fast clumsily negotiating bulky pages on handheld devices. Usability cannot be ignored.  Laptops and Desktops will only be utilized for deep research or visual treats.

Your Smartphone Will Soon Double as Your Wallet
By Dan Macsai
image …After years of talk, wireless carriers, banks, startups, and handset makers are now actively working to transform Americans' cell phones into mobile wallets.

So here’s my new answer for Baby Boomers and older in Turkey (and everywhere else):

Forget about the internet (in its HTML/Flash-enhanced form).  Concentrate on Smart Phones and maybe iPad/Kindle-type devices. 

People over fifty have cell phones – and they use them.  Soon, they will all have smart phones.  The learning curve is much easier for Smart Phones and iPads.  

This means:

  1. You do not have to convince someone older to turn on a computer, log on, fumble around with a browser, etc.  It will be an easier transition from landline to cell phone to smart phone.
  2. An app for a bank can be designed to be very, very easy – as long as the fonts and numbers are big enough for older eyes.
  3. imagePromote your app in TV advertising, print – and in banks.  If someone is making a deposit, ask “Do you have a smart phone?  We can make it easy to check your balance, etc.  I will download the app for you.”  Once they know how to do one thing, they’ll be interested in doing everything else.
  4. The web/internet will not be as popular as it is today. People will use their smart phones to access the web – so the web will be redesigned and become less visual and more practical for simple searching and doing business. 

I’m less interested in specific gadgetry, more in the concept of untethered connection.  Droid, Kindle, iPhone, iPad, whatever’s next – they’re all the same to me. 

Related Post:

Digital Advertising Natives and Immigrants

Dick Stroud’s Apps for Baby Boomers

31 August 2010

Alzheimer's: No Magic Bullet

image In January, NostraChuckus predicted that this would be the year of the Baby Boomer Brain. He’s certainly done a miraculous job so far. Everywhere you turn there are new studies, new theories, new books about that super-charged soggy stuff stuffed in our noggins.

It’s not all good news.

Years Later, No Magic Bullet Against Alzheimer’s Disease
By Gina Kolata
New York Times
So far, nothing has been found to prevent or delay this devastating disease, which ceaselessly kills brain cells, eventually leaving people mute, incontinent, unable to feed themselves, unaware of who they are or who their family and friends are.

“Currently,” the panel wrote, “no evidence of even moderate scientific quality exists to support the association of any modifiable factor (such as nutritional supplements, herbal preparations, dietary factors, prescription or nonprescription drugs, social or economic factors, medical conditions, toxins or environmental exposures) with reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease.”

…There is only poor evidence, for example, that keeping your brain active, having a high level of education or exercising has a protective effect.

What does this have to do with advertising?  It’s time to cease referencing Alzheimer’s when marketing products and services. There are plenty of valid reasons for eating healthy foods, exercising, or challenging yourself with new mind and body activities. Stop flashing the false hope of staving off a perplexing disease that frightens every Baby Boomer.

Slippery copy even invades respectable sites:







My advice has always been to take the high road with the 50+ Market.  They’ve been around long enough to recognize most B.S. – and when they feel they’ve been fooled, say goodbye to them.

Laurie Orlov’s take on it all: Alzheimer's hype, hope, oops...reality.