27 April 2009

Is roiling ether the best place for advertising?

Over a month ago I blogged a New York Times piece:

Baby Boomers, Luddites? Not So Fast.

That NYT piece spawned others, including:

A-twitter about social marketing

Baby Boomers lead U.S. online market

From my book:

bookex1 bookex2

Here’s what’s going on: Many boomers (along with every other demo) are jobless – or afraid of losing their jobs:

Longer Unemployment for Those 45 and Older
nytWorkers ages 45 and over form a disproportionate share of the hard-luck recession category, the long-term unemployed — those who have been out of work for six months or longer, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

How do you keep your job or get a new one?  Make sure you’re really tech-savvy:

From my book:


The big buzz phrase today is social networking.  Because Boomers are worried about their work-related competencies, all of a sudden they’re diving into Facebook, LinkedIn, are Twittering, etc. to find out about it all and make connections. 

But is this roiling ether the best place for advertising? 

Me commenting on the NYT article:

As far as Boomers being tech/web Luddites - I’ve been dispelling that silly myth for years - in my book and blog (Advertising to Baby Boomers, first published in early 2005).

But monetizing social networking sites … well, they still haven’t been able to do that with the Millennial and Gen Y demos. What makes anybody think you can do it with Boomers?

Someone commenting on the A-Twitter article:

Drivel Indeed
How many people I'm "twittering" with doesn't tell me much of anything. I want to know how it translates into sales.

Nielsen has an interesting take on it all:

I predicted a bit of this back in November 2008:

Baby Boomers & The Economic Collapse

And if you watched the video above, you know that this isn’t an either/or for advertisers.  But if you had to pick one …

Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Bloggers?
em A BIGresearch survey conducted in mid-2008 found that blogs influenced only 3.3% of adults in their apparel purchases. A Harris Interactive poll showed that bloggers were rarely the first source used when considering purchasing decisions.

Kit Simpson deconstructs the recent Kmart WOMM campaign:

Kmart goes to the Twits 
an When it comes to social network marketing, success comes in being able to do it -- not whether it actually boosts sales … If each of the 6,000 people went to Kmart and bought $100 worth of merchandise, that would represent roughly three and a half one hundredths of one percent of their revenue. (To be precise, it would be 0.003529411764705882% -- but let's not get picky.)

For the umpteenth time

The Most Effective Marketing/Advertising Model For Reaching Baby Boomers: What is now called traditional advertising pushing you to an age-friendly, informative product/services web site.

22 April 2009

A Smart Approach

Good news for the advertising/marketing industry and consumers: The Federal Trade Commission is seriously considering cracking down on the nefarious doings of word-of-mouth, buzz, and blog marketing.

I was tipped off by Peter Himler’s blog, The Flack:

peter_himler Who'll forget all those "influential" bloggers who received spiffy new Nikon digital SLRs to tool with and talk about. (Come to think of it, I can't recall any of them spilling a negative word about their gifts from the early adopter gadget Gods.)

How long have I been railing about word-of-mouth marketing?  Since 2005:

medshow2 To me, nothing is more dishonest and 'old school' than shills showing up at bars or wherever and pretending to be your friend and offering you gum or lipstick. They remind me of shills used in medicine shows (talk about 'old school'...) And if I start reading blogs that are thinly disguised sales pitches, I'll never read the blog again. (Except, of course, if the reason for the blog is to sell you something, in which case it's really old-fashioned copywriting/advertising. Authorized company blogs, for example.)

And I’ve blogged about this subject ad nauseam:

Advertising/Marketing Article of The Month

The Brouhaha Over WOMM

The Brouhaha Over WOMM Returns

What's Plaguing Viral Marketing

My Blog Was WOMMed!

Snake Oil In Cyberspace

Internet Hero Of The Week

Backing up much of what I’ve been saying for years:

Bloggers Be Warned: FTC May Monitor What You Say (subscription)
By Michael Bush
adage Jim Nail, chief marketing officer of TNS Media Intelligence and a WOMMA board member, said the revisions will bring more credibility to word-of-mouth and social-media marketing. "The thing that makes word-of-mouth marketing powerful is people believing they are getting truthful and honest opinions from real users," Mr. Nail said …

"The FTC is ... putting out guidelines to make it clear to people who are involved in social media and viral marketing that the same rules apply in this context as they do in the more formal context of paid advertising and infomercials." There are no legal implications for social-media sites such as Facebook or marketer sites such as Amazon, where consumers often post product reviews. However, Ms. Jacobs-Meadway said, paid endorsers who post on those sites can be held liable if they do not identify themselves as such.

Similar policies are already in place on the other side of the pond:

Buzz marketing illegal from May
ipa One particular clause in the Regulations will make a number of activities a criminal offence including seeding positive messages about a brand in a blog without making it clear that the message has been created by, or on behalf of, the brand … Also, using “buzz marketing” specialists to communicate with potential consumers in social situations without disclosing that they are acting as brand ambassadors, will be illegal … Seeding viral ads on the internet in a manner that implies you are a simple member of the public, will also be against the law.

Many WOM marketers are thrilled that their industry may be cleaned up:

We think it is a smart approach,”dm said  Sharon Swendner, president of .Com Marketing, an interac­tive agency that gets paid to blog. “We would all like to believe that the markets are self regulating, but unfortunately, as we've seen from banking, it doesn't always work that way.”

And excerpts from a few comments on the Ad Age article:

“What's there to complain about--they're just enforcing transparency and truth in advertising.”

“It could bring added credibility to the blogging space …”

“It's a shame that the FTC has to be the one to give the wake-up call but I'm happy that at least someone is.”

“These laws go without saying.”

20 April 2009


tnyt I read the online edition of The New York Times all the time.  So I’ve grabbed and linked to this or that article dozens of times.

motorcycle In January 2008 I thought it fascinating that there were two articles over two days – one about marketing to Baby Boomers and one about diversity.  I blogged about it:

Diversity = Productivity
Irony: The article with answers to how advertising can reach Baby Boomers doesn’t mention advertising or Baby Boomers, while the article that doesn't really have much to say on the subject is all about subject.

Again, it’s happened.  Stuart Elliott’s piece is good – but there’s nothing new here:


The Older Audience Is Looking Better Than Ever
For decades, older consumers were largely shunned by marketers because they were deemed less wealthy, less likely to try new products and less willing to change brands. Campaigns directed at them were described dismissively as made for the “Geritol generation.”

The Introduction to my book (1st Edition May 2005) is subtitled “The Geritol Syndrome” – and available for free from my publishers, Paramount Market Publishing:

Advertising to Baby Boomers (Introduction) (PDF)

In the book and on this blog I’ve talked at length about Grandparents and media and media planners and brand-switching and just about everything else in the NYT piece.  Here’s something from The Kansas City Star where I was interviewed along with Hallmark Channel CEO Henry Schleiff – and we’re discussing all the same things.

But a more interesting piece that really does have to do with  marketing/advertising to baby boomers was in the NYT a few days before:

Generation B
by Michael Winerip

They Feel Your Losses
“The boomers’ experience, their values and their work ethic make them worth it,” Ms. Ringer said. “They’re good at performing gracefully under pressure.”

Read this recent post and now I can pretty much repeat what I said a year ago:

Irony: The article with answers to how advertising can reach Baby Boomers doesn’t mention advertising, while the article that doesn't really have anything new to say on the subject is all about subject.

14 April 2009

New Blogs, Businesses, Resources

50+ marketing is exploding worldwide.

That’s a cliché-ridden statement I’ve been wanting to use for years.  Finally I can. 

kw Kim Walker of Silver Group Asia is blogging:

Observations, insights and innovations that connect with the 50+ market.
We INFORM with unique research, data and insights … We ADVISE on strategy and increase understanding through training and speeches …We help CONNECT to the market through relevant and targeted programs and media

risessRead an interview with Kim Walker on Brent Green’s blog – then download Kim’s keynote "The Rise of the Silver Surfers" presented to the iMedia Brand Summit in Kota Kinabalu, E Malaysia.

adnAd Nauseam’s Christopher Simpson (Canada) takes a professorial slant with his new blog.  That’s because he is a professor.  And a seasoned all around creative:

On Editing and Writing
Dedicated to clarity, one sentence at a time
Perhaps it’s irrational, but I am tired of people telling me to attain a state of consciousness the means to which only they can provide.

(Great resource, Kit – and that appraisal  is coming from a Bloviating Pleonast.)

md Martin Diano of The Baby Boomer [Knowledge Center] is collecting experts for his Boomer Authority project:

Boomer Authority
ba A Question and Answer Resource for the Baby Boomer Generation - Gain access to a community of professionals and organizations for free timely advice!

50TargetMy friends in The Netherlands, Martijn de Haas and Arjan in't Veld, are involved in a new agency – and a new web site/blog.  Martijn told me that there might be English language versions soon. Until then, enjoy the pictures.

And Vince Vassolo, gerontologist/ad man and self-proclaimed Head Boomer, is blogging:

vv Baby Boomer Marketing Blog
Boomers are bright, opinionated and socially connected, so they’ll decide what your brand means rather than having you or some trendsetter define it for them.

10 April 2009

As I reach my late-middle 50s…

nyt An amusing, too truthful piece by Michael Winerip of The New York Times:

Aging by Megabyte 
AS I reach my late-middle 50s, I am, for the first time, feeling old. I don’t mean physically old. I have aches and pains, but I’ve been blessed. My health has been good … I have four children ages 14 to 20, and once they hit the teenage years, a primary purpose in their lives has been to tear their once-godlike Dad down to bite-size.

It reminded me of a silly thing I wrote a handful of years ago:

The Slobberer
Without a hint of fear she reached up and pulled down on the sides of my mouth. "Ahhh," she said with a nod. "You drool."


“You drool."


"At night."

"But...old people drool."


I twitched and tried not to shudder. "Are you sure? I'm not even in my late fifties yet. I’m in my … earlier late fifties.”

And in my book Advertising to Baby Boomers (2007):





More from Michael Winerip:

mw Spring would arrive, we’d be out at the ball field once again, I’d be hitting them flies, and the three boys would be edging toward me, yelling, “Remember when you used to hit them far, Dad? Remember that, Dad?”