05 February 2018

Super Bowl 2018

There are never too many news articles, blog posts, and podcasts about Super Bowl commercials right after the Super Bowl. Except for today. Now there’s one too many.

imageAs everyone will tell you, the Tide (something like Every Super Bowl Ad is a Tide Ad) was clever and I fumbled my dip-dripping Dorrito and the mess spilled all over my sweatshirt while watching it.  And, I imagine, I’ll flash on the commercial the next time I’m stumbling around in the detergent aisle.  What more could an advertiser ask for?

And as everyone will tell you, The MLK/RAM truck spot was tone-deaf embarrassment. Just think: He coulda’ been a crackerjack car salesman instead of wasting his life away in and out of jail and meeting a violent death. Sad.

The bleeping commercial was bleeping too long.

imageAn M&M was funny when it turned into Danny Devito, but after watching him beg to be eaten, then swirling around in a flat vat of chocolate (it looked like a vat of something else), I don’t think I’ll ever put an M&M in my mouth again.

Finally, there was an E-Trade commercial with old people still working when they should be retired. I think that was the takeaway. The problem was that most of the geezers looked like they were having loads and loads of fun and being productive. Of course, having fun and being productive aren’t things we want old people to be doing. 

There’s something unnatural about it.