My friends down the road are thinking about targeting Baby Boomers – sort of. On their B2B advertising site, I found this blog post:
Finding Baby Boomers with Microsoft Advertising
by Kim Farmer – MSFT
In the advertising business, it’s all about getting your message in front of the right people .. Baby Boomers, those born between 1946 and 1964, are one of those audiences…
Not much new in any of the above, but it’s nice to know that Boomers are on Microsoft’s radar.
Although I’m a bit skeptical of this advice:
Some 47% of Boomers say they would click on more online ads if they were targeted to their needs.
What else would you say in a survey? Banner ads are usually useless, targeted or not.
What’s odd: There is no mention of the marketing possibilities on the Windows 7 Smartphone. I guess they don’t want it to be thought of as a Fogeyfone. Too bad:
Foretellings (May 2010)
My advertising/marketing predictions and not-technical-because-I’m-not-a-tech-guy recommendations:
- The visual power of the web will fade as more people use handheld devices. Goodbye, fancy-schmancy web sites. People will get bored sifting through it all when they can find what they need with their smartphones.
- How this will play out, I don’t know – but the ‘web’ needs to be rethought. Accessing a page on a desktop or laptop is not the same as accessing it on a smartphone. There will have to be two separate ‘webs’ for large screens, small screens. People will get very tired very fast clumsily negotiating bulky pages on handheld devices. Usability cannot be ignored. Laptops and Desktops will only be utilized for deep research or visual treats.
- That silly retronym “traditional advertising” will remain the premiere force for introducing people to a product or service, along with sustaining its shelf life. Television, print, radio, and billboard ads will continue to have the visceral power they’ve always had – if only for their sheer size, simplicity, and cutting-edge audio/visual qualities. Advertising on smartphones will be considered an annoyance, invasive, and rather dinky – while marketing (coupons on steroids, and more) will flourish and dominate.
I also talk about this in my 2010 Review: National and International Advertising to Baby Boomers (PowerPoint Presentation)
Again, nothing new – but important:
Less than 5% of advertising dollars are currently targeted towards 35-64 year olds, more than half of the affluent US Boomer demographic is ignored entirely…
And, I bet, ignored entirely when sculpting marketing strategies on Smartphones.
Excellent 2010 wrap-up and predicted 2011 tech trends by Laurie Orlov