I've just signed a contract with Henry Stewart Talks:
Henry Stewart Talks publishes animated audio visual presentations by world leading experts - advanced content in a user friendly format. We cover biomedicine, life sciences, advertising, management, marketing and finance. Every talk has been specially commissioned with informative visuals and synchronized narration.
This is thanks to Dick Stroud. He's putting together an audio visual presentation package and asked me to jump on board. I'll be one of a half-dozen or so contributors:
Henry Stewart Talks Series
Latest thinking in marketing
to the older consumer
Series Editor: Dick Stroud
There are 20 million people in the UK aged over 50 years old. That’s over 7 million more than in the marketer’s favourite 18-34 age group. In ten years time the 50-plus will outnumber this group by 10 million. When this fact is combined with their huge levels of wealth (over £5 trillion) they become, without question, the most important group of consumers that marketers must understand. The situation is the same in other European countries, the US and Japan.