29 June 2006

SportsBusiness Journal's Bill King: Trying To Catch The Wave

SportsBusiness Journal's Bill King penned the trade magazine's feature report this week - and it's all about Baby Boomers:
Trying To Catch The Wave
"In the past, marketers have thought of age 50 the way the explorers used to think of the horizon: Sail beyond it and you tumble from the face of the earth. Older consumers were seen as set in their ways. Since they wouldn't change brands or try new ones, there was no point in spending money advertising to them."
Because I'm quoted in the article, SportsBusiness Journal has permitted this blog to link to Bill King's In-Depth Report. (In other words, feel special. You have to be a subscriber to get to it any other way.)

And it's overflowing with valuable marketing data. Check out all the research at the end. Here's my favorite.

Back to the beginning of the article — Spyder Wright also revealed this in his email to me:
"I was the East Coast Champion in 1979 & 1980 and went on to be a finalist in the U.S. Surfing Championships in Hawaii during those same years."
Still out there banging around in the waves at age 62. Amazing.

26 June 2006

Book Review in The Journal of Consumer Marketing

Dr. Joyce M. Wolburg, Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Research at The J. William and Mary Diederich College of Communication (Marquette University), has written a review of my book Advertising to Baby Boomers in the latest issue of The Journal of Consumer Marketing.

JCM is only available to subscribers, so all I can do here is pull some quotes:
"Advertising to Baby Boomers is an easy, informative read that will resonate well with Boomers and will give non-Boomers some useful insights when advertising to this important market. As a member of the generation myself, I now know why so many advertisements leave me cold (e.g. either I do not understand the humor or I don't care enough to work at deciphering the advertisement). I thought it was just me, but after reading Advertising to Baby Boomers, I now put the blame squarely where it belongs…"

"The second section (of the book) addresses the process of finding the best marketing or advertising agency. It identifies the myths that traditional ad agencies hold regarding Boomers and advises business owners who want to sell to this group to walk away from agencies that think this way."

"The third and last section offers resources, a case study, and final thoughts. He sharpens some of his earlier points and cautions readers that some of the recent buzzwords in advertising, such as branding, are not all that they are cracked up to be."
Much thanks to Dr. Wolburg and The Journal of Consumer Marketing.

19 June 2006

Genworth Presents 100+ Stories

"This campaign is a celebration of life," said Buzz Richmond, Genworth's senior vice president for brand marketing. "It reminds viewers and readers that people are living longer, healthier lives in retirement—and what better way than featuring these wonderful centenarians and their incredible stories..."

Read the press release and watch the two videos

And visit the web site.

An A+ for the trumpeter spot—this because it deserves it and the concept of retirement is nowhere to be found. (Although it is mentioned in the other spot and on the web site…)

Yeah, I'm nit-picking. Ignore me. This is a fine campaign. (Is that really Rosie playing the trumpet on the music bed? …. Oh, never mind. I'm nitpicking again.)

And an A+ for Roberta's spot. I love it when she says, "I never thought I'd live to be one-hundred. Never crossed my mind." In a piece on The Mature Market site I talk about the difference between previous generations and Baby Boomers—and their notions of living longer.

A thorough backgrounder for this campaign is Kelly Greene's piece in The Wall Street Journal (subscription required):
Many marketers have avoided using the elderly in commercials targeting baby boomers, worried that reminders of aging would turn them off.
Yes—but in this case we're talking about an age four or five decades removed from where Baby Boomers are now. These spots are inspiring because we're nowhere near that age.

Sure, I might have made them a bit less slick and a bit more real and down-to-earth. But again, I'm nitpicking. Slap me. They're top-notch.

I hope Genworth tosses up their complete campaign, print ads and all, on the web. I don't want to miss any of it.

12 June 2006

Boomers in Candyland

Here's a comprehensive piece by Renee M. Covino in the June, 2006 issue of Confectioner Magazine:
The problem is that prior to the Boomers, "many advertisers felt that the over-50 market is not worth pursuing. They focused on the 18- to 49-year-old marketplace; now, many are beginning to realize the spending power of Boomers," explains Peter Koeppel, founder and president of Koeppel Direct…
And you'll find a few quotes by guess who. Here's one:
"In England, they've done a lot of studies about 'wrap rage,' and it goes much deeper than not being able to open a bottle of medicine, for instance. It's anything, any consumer goods packaging that people have trouble opening, and as Baby Boomers are starting to age, they are very sensitive to this," says Chuck Nyren, who just happens to be another Baby Boomer and also creative strategist and consultant, as well as author of "Advertising to Baby Boomers." According to him, "bad packaging can make Baby Boomers feel incompetent; as marketers, you don't want to remind this group of people that they don't have the physical skills they had when they were younger."

Of course, the above has nothing to do with me. I can rip open any dumb, stupid candy wrapper with my bare hands .... as long as one of my bare hands is holding a pair of pliers.

08 June 2006

Selling Universal Design to Baby Boomers

I have a new article on The Mature Market web site:
Universal Design is a great blueprint (as a metaphor and in reality) for planned communities, individual units, and any combination thereof. However, a delicate touch is needed when marketing UD to a healthy, vital demographic.
Already the piece is receiving positive feedback. Here's one from The Rolling Rains Report, a fun and informative blog "Precipitating Dialogue on Travel, Disability, and Universal Design."

Wander around Mr. Rains' blog. The caricature on the right says it all. Not much is holding back Scott from having a rousing time when he travels (and I bet not much holds him back from doing anything). Read more about Scott.

Selling Universal Design to Baby Boomers is part one of a two part series. In the next article I'll talk about my presentation at The National Association of Homebuilders 50+ Housing Symposium last April in Phoenix. What was one of their major concerns? The concept of "aging in place."