16 November 2007

Promotional Presentation Video

My colleague and great friend Brent Green brought along his video camera for our European Tour - and ended up making a fun, informative video about it.

Being the magnanimous fellow he is, in my mailbox the other day I found a small package from him. He'd tossed the takes of Yours Truly onto a CD.

Yesterday I cobbled together a video using Microsoft Movie Maker - so don't expect too much. It's simply a promotional tool for speaking gigs - to complement this. I purposely made it teasing - not giving much away:

1 comment:

  1. To Chuck fans and prospective clients everywhere...

    When I mailed Chuck his unedited clips from our speaking tour in Europe, I wrote on the DVD, "Naked Chuck." This is not too far away from the truth. Although, thankfully, Chuck is fully clothed, what you'll see in his video is a man who speaks from the heart, who doesn't pull any punches, and who is truly a thought-provoking speaker. He has a unique perspective, informed by 30+ years of tenure in the advertising industry, the legacy of two successful parents (and a grandfather) in the same field, and the passion of someone who "gets it." Advertising agencies need to hear and see Chuck's presentation before their clients do. (He will create severe cognitive dissonance in the mindset of the clients of those agencies and marketing firms that don't get it.) I just took "grab shots" of Chuck speaking without trying necessarily to capture the depth and complexity of what he has to say. You need to see him speak live because his presentation will give you critical insights, not only about reaching Boomers through advertising, but also in adjusting our marketing paradigms about reaching mature markets in the future.


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