06 April 2010

The Obligatory iPad Post

Since everybody’s talking about it, I guess I must.  Yours Truly feels especially qualified for the task since I’ve yet to see or play with one. (I did fiddle with a Kindle, however.)

Dick Stroud has some interesting things to say about the iPad on his Mobile Apps For Baby Boomers site:

image The iPad isn't meant for software geeks it's meant for Mum and Dad
As somebody who has seen the light about apps it is plain to me that the iPad will mainly be used in relaxed mode … The iPad is the device for when I turn off the desk light, pour a beer and enter the world of semi-work. Not a total turn-off from working but those activities that are more fun to do away from the keyboard.

Used in relaxed mode…”  That reflects a lot of what I said way back in April ‘07 about the strength of magazines and why they’re not going away:

Positioning Magazines for Baby Boomers
image There are active and passive parts of our day. Without getting into too much psychobabble, as you get older the passive side needs more nourishment. It’s not really passive. It’s focused absorption. At some point you have to climb out of your frenetic digital nest and concentrate on one thing. It might be reading a book, watching a TV show or movie, listening to music, looking out the window.

Or immersing yourself in a magazine.

Maybe the iPad should position itself as more of a passive device that helps you relax, placing it far from the ‘digital nest’.  That’s how I would approach it when advertising to Baby Boomers.

Mr. Stroud might be correct. Pretty soon, the iPad could supersede paper mags and other forms of passive entertainment. You’ll be reading your Oprah on an iPad.

imageI won’t be getting one soon, however.  I’ll wait for the model that won’t shatter when you drop it and can be rolled up to swat flies.

Update 15 Jan 2013:
Now you can swat flies with your tablet:
Tablets Redux

05 April 2010

Boomer helps older adults bridge technology gap

Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 8:18 AM
To: nyrenagency@gmail.com
Subject: Hello. I've started reading your book and I'm fascinated.

Hello Mr. Nyren,
I’ve just started reading your book Advertising to Baby Boomers … and have found this market to be extremely difficult especially with a new product. I wanted to thank you for your insights and tell you that your book is helping tremendously. I never thought such a niche market would be easy, however I also didn’t realize how broad this “niche” market is. I wanted to reach out and thank you for being such a valuable source.
C. M.

If you send me a sweet email you get something in return! (Even if it’s not quite as sweet …)

image I checked out the product: a medical-alert device.  It’s a good one.  Most of the marketing is fine - maybe relying a bit too much on scare tactics.  On the web site there are videos explaining all about the product and how it works.  That’s great.

Although one piece made me wince: a twenty-something walks into a living room with the product still in its packaging.  She happily shows it to her youngish Boomer mother who’s sitting on the couch doing absolutely nothing, contentedly staring off into the ether.  The product is a present for the mother. The daughter opens up the package.  It’s obvious that the mother is helpless, completely lost.  The twenty-something has to unwrap the package, take out the device and all the documentation and accessories, and explain everything to her.

This is the type of insulting advertising scenario I see all time. Even if true in certain circumstances, you don’t want to offend potential consumers by portraying them as too dumb to figure out how to use your product.

I’ve talked about this for years.  Some blog posts:

My Favorite Cyber-Myth (2005)

Baby Boomers Burst Online (2006)
"Later, I'll show you all how to set it up."

AARP & Microsoft: Technology & Baby Boomers (2009)

I would’ve cast this marketing video a bit differently. Not that older-than-baby-boomer folks are all tech luddites, but a more realistic scenario would be a Boomer-age daughter buying the product for her eighty year old mother.  After seeing how easy it is to use and set up, the daughter might  buy one for herself. 

Baby Boomers, now in their fifties and sixties, do not think of themselves as helpless old people.  They may or may not be – but you certainly do not want to portray them in marketing campaigns as dependent, confused, or technologically ignorant.  Most are not.

You’ve also accomplished two collateral goals:

  1. The potential customer is the hero(ine) of the story.
  2. The scenario implies that it will be easy for the customer to understand, set up, and use the product.

Today I read this:

Boomer helps older adults bridge technology gap 
image As Beane was helping her father learn about his new computer, he said to her, "You really like dealing with fogeys and geezers, don't you?" This comment helped Beane realize she had found a new calling. Beane started her company at the beginning of 2010.

Ms. Beane looks to be about the same age as the mother in the medical device marketing video.

If Ms. Beane wants to purchase one of these medical devices, I sure hope she has a twenty-something daughter around to unwrap it and explain to her how the thing works.

01 April 2010

The International Mature Marketing Network

IMMN (International Mature Marketing Network) has buffed its site:

image IMMN is a non-profit consortium of marketers, advertisers, agency execs, manufacturers, publicists, media, academics and researchers focused on the 40+ consumer, a market of growing size and influence around the world.

I’m an Advisor – and in pretty good company.  A surprise is that I’m also a Thought Leader

Thought Leadership
image All of IMMN’s Board Members and Advisors are hugely active in the 40+ marketing space. Not only are there books in the making, speaking engagements to hold, business consultancies happening, television appearances being taped, and tweets being tweeted, but there are many popular and informative blogs being updated as we speak.

Your Thought Leader’s Thought For The Day: Think about joining.

30 March 2010

Brand Burner and Boomer Basher

image There’s this fellow in England.  A few years ago he wrote a book about burning his clothes because they were famous brands, and wondered if this would cause him to have some sort of identity crisis. He’s an odd chap, as they say.

I’m having the same issues – but for opposite reasons.  I dress in and buy only generic, store brands.  I’ve lost my identity.  Oh, for some Genuine Levi’s®, a packet of Bayer® Aspirin, and a bottle of Heinz 57® Ketchup!  I’d finally feel like myself again.

Back to the brand burner: I guess he needed a follow-up project with another scapegoat – so his new tome trashes Baby Boomers.

I kidded around about boomer-bashing way back in 1997, deciding it was all silly stuff (although ageism isn’t). 
The problem is this: I keep getting emails from people because they’ve read this fellow’s blog promoting his boomer-bashing book – and everyone says he quotes me.

I finally tracked down the alleged quote – and I never said any of it.  Not in my book, not on my blog, not anywhere.

I googled the quote and all I came up with was his blog:

I don’t own the phrase Advertising to Baby Boomers.  I’ve seen it a few places other than my own writings.  But I did coin it in 2003, it’s the name of my book and blog and usually the theme of my speaking/consulting gigs, so I am very much associated with it – like David Wolfe is with Ageless Marketing, Dick Stroud with Age-Neutral Marketing, and Brent Green with Marketing to Leading-Edge Baby Boomers.

To set the record straight – this odd fellow either made up the quote or found it somewhere else – obviously in a place that is ungoogleable. 

That doesn’t mean I haven’t had plenty to say on the subject:

image Me vs. We
Me vs. We Redux
Me vs. We Redux Redux

Len Steinhorn and Brent Green talk at length about this scapegoat phenomenon.  Dick Stroud doesn’t think the chap who wrote the boomer-bashing book really believes what he says.

I hope for his sake that this sad sack doesn’t have any more identity crises. First his clothes go into the bonfire, then copies of his books will for sure – and next he’ll jump in. 
It won’t be pretty. 

But looking on the bright side, at last he’ll finally be rid of the most noxious brand of all – his Personal Brand.

29 March 2010

Meet Us Today

NostraChuckus has never been a big fan of a financial company’s advertising.  He thinks the me-too is likewise quite creepy.

advbb The links above are from 2005, 2006.  In 2007 the updated edition of Advertising to Baby Boomers was released.  Those campaigns were mentioned, and a mock campaign was devised to show how the Near-Great Prognosticator might do it:

In 2010, the Soothsayer sees this:

NostraChuckus Coincidence? Magikal Conjuration?

You decide.

Your Financial Advisor Is Not The Pillsbury Doughboy