NostraChuckus, that uncannily somewhat accurate prognosticator who mostly deals with predicting common sense, is forecasting a new wave of economic interest in Baby Boomers worldwide. This includes all advertising, marketing, media, economic development - and especially housing.
From Down Under:
Baby boomer bonanza forecast
Baby boomers will be an economic force to be reckoned with, according to a new report on New Zealand's ageing population … Far from being a drain on the economy, baby boomers could offer a multibillion-dollar boon, a new Government report says.
Report Focuses on Economic Benefits of Ageing
It is time to look at the economic benefits of ageing baby boomers rather than just the burdens, Senior Citizens Minister John Carter said today.
From AARP Global Network:
Boomers and seniors may be next big thing in media sales
Companies looking to sell products and services in industries like music, radio, television and movies have traditionally aimed at younger audiences, but a lack of interest among young people and a growing older population has prompted some professionals in the field to rethink their strategy…
In Spain, the number of younger radio listeners has declined in recent years, but boomers age 55 to 64 have started to tune into stations even more than before - 54.2 percent of the demographic regularly listens to the radio…
Movies are also experiencing a graying effect … the number of boomer and senior movie watchers has grown by 67 percent since 1995 …
Aging in Place, Home Improvement:
Kitchen & Bath Industry Show:
The age of ease
Products are moving toward easy-to-use design with an eye on aging baby boomers.
NostraChuckus is not surprised by any of this. Media planners, program directors, and everybody else in media and advertising will be surprised – and dismiss all facts as heresy.
The Crystal Ball of Common Sense continues to augur aimlessly.