I’m in a bad mood today (for personal reasons) so I’m putting up a nasty post. It’ll make me feel better.
It’s a follow-up to this one:
The Press Release Parade
… Press Releases are like virtual confetti nowadays … Most are daft, pointless blather…
While I usually sweep up the confetti and toss it, for some reason I bent down and read this one (names not revealed to protect the guilty):
Chuck, Good Morning.
****** Adding a New twist to Mobile Advertising
“Coming Soon” will now allow Apps to promote before launch
Mobile marketing platform ******* is launching a new ad unit for iPhone that lets app developers promote the applications they’re about to launch. The “Coming Soon” ad doesn’t just announce the forthcoming applications, however, but can also gather early sign-ups from potential users through its “notify me” button.
So far, so good. Not that I think apps will be taking over the world like most people, but I think they’re fine.
The press release continues:
Here are some statistics about mobile advertisements:
- Mobile advertising generates 2.5 times more attention than a static billboard.
- 97% is the recall rate on mobile advertising.
- 96% of respondents say mobile advertising is more effective than traditional outdoor advertising.- Outdoor Advertising Magazine TACA
…. What? Something sounded very weird, especially the percentages. I knew these had to be wrong.
So I did a bit of research. The “statistics about mobile advertisements” are about those moving and/or animated ads on commercial vehicles. Moving billboards are more effective than simple paper billboards.
This has absolutely nothing to do with smartphone apps.
- 97% is the recall rate on mobile advertising.
- Outdoor Advertising Magazine - 96% of respondents say mobile advertising is more effective than traditional outdoor advertising.
- Mobile advertising generates 2.5 times more attention than a static billboard.
The press release is from a semi-major PR outfit. Do they check their facts before sending out press releases? Do they make sure a press release is reviewed by a few other employees before going public?
Here’s a quiz. Take it, and grade it yourself:
The person who wrote this press release…
a) is an idiot.
b) is sloppy and incompetent.
c) is trying to put something over on all of us.d) has some form of myopia or mental condition, and can’t tell the difference between a ‘mobile billboard’ and a ‘smartphone app’.
e) possibly isn’t confused, and is really promoting outdoor mobile advertising, not a smartphone app. I’m the one who’s confused.
f) Come up with your own reasons for this silly, useless, deceptive press release.
… Whew. I feel so much better now.