More bad news for brain games:
Think brain games make you smarter? Think again, researchers say
Brain games marketed by the billion-dollar brain-training industry don't improve cognition or help prevent age-related brain decline, new research finds…
“The thing that seniors in particular should be concerned about is, if I can get very good at crossword puzzles, is that going to help me remember where my keys are? And the answer is probably no.”
No big surprise for dumb Chuck. Eight years ago I was skeptical (but mostly skeptical of the outrageous claims with no proof):
02 March 2009
The Brain Games Game
… My first exposure to the recent spate of brain games was at the 2004 Boomer Business Summit. I scratched my not-too-bright head and wondered what the difference was between a brain game and any mind-bending game: Rubik's Cube, Scrabble, Sudoku, etc. Obviously, this new crop of revolutionary IQ busters improved your brain power while all the others were, I guess, just for laughs.
… And that’s what bothered me about the marketing – and still does. Are these new-fangled blinking lights on a screen the best way, the only way to keep your noggin nimble? This seems to be the claim. Or are they a new breed in a long line of cognitive games that go back to counting pebbles on a cave floor?
You certainly get the ‘hard-sell’ impression that if you don’t buy and play these games, eventually your brain will leak out of your nose and ears…
Now we have proof. Brain games do nothing but entertain – and don’t say otherwise or this is what’ll happen if you do:
06 January 2016
Brain Games: Hocus-Pocus Hyperbole
Looks like a not-so-bright company hawking a make-me-bright online game is in non-virtual hot water…
Want to kill time at the airport? Take out your smartphone and play a brain game. Want to get smarter? Read a book. Want to stay smart? Re-read a book.
Just for fun:
The Live Forever Diet
by Chuck Nyren
Scrumptious and so simple to prepare even a 112-year-old can do it.