Fun & Games: Underhand and Other Stories

A collection of short stories and bagatelles penned over the last twenty-odd years. Themes include art, love, sex, relationships, growing up, opera, drooling, baseball, and more. Typical fiction fare. Some have been published in magazines literary and general-interest (The Satire Quarterly, Spindrifter, Grand), others in ezines defunct or still going strong (Typo, Pogonip, G21, The Yardbird Reader, Time Goes By, Eclectica). One was printed on coffee cans in Portland, Oregon. A few are excerpts from unpublished novels. One is a comic playlet performed scores of times on dozens of stages.

For your Kindle.  Click one of the links below, then click Look Inside to read the first few stories: 

A selection from Underhand & Other Stories is published in The Huff/Post50 Fiction Site:

Also just for fun:

IBM Coffee Break (1969)